Friday, August 29, 2014

Ride the edge

fron the bio ofJuanita Brooks by Levi Peterson:

When young Juanita argued with her Sunday School teacher incessantly, her father "drew an analogy which Juanita would long after make famous among liberal Mormons. A cowboy who wants to turn a stampeding herd can run neither in it nor against it; he must ride at the edge. 'Happy sounds are generally better than cursing,' she would quote him as saying, 'but there are times when he must maybe swear a little and swing a whip or lariat to round in a stray or turn the leaders. So don't lose yourself, and don't ride away and desert the outfit. Ride the edge of the herd and be alert, but know your directions, and call out loud and clear. Chances are, you won't make any difference, but on the other hand, you just might.'"

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Dolores Umbridge

Here’s what’s so bad about Dolores Umbridge, and consequently, what Millenials can’t stomach from their co-religionists at church (poison in any group):
  1. She’s controlling, meeting any challenge to her authority with more rules.
  2. She ignores what is unpleasant rather than preparing for it.  She prefers not to deal with reality.
  3. She’s smugly self-righteous.
  4. She mistakes titles and hierarchy for competence.
  5. She has no real experience, and thus no judgment.
  6. She is petty and cruel toward those who threaten her worldview.  She prefers to shoot the messenger or at least make him write “I must not tell lies” in his own blood hundreds of times.
  7. She expects and rewards tattling.
  8. Her clothing choices wouldn’t look out of place in Relief Society.


Sunday, August 24, 2014

slogans for Lucifer's camp in the Pre-Earth War in Heaven

(something I was playing with :)

In Mormon Theology, there was a war of words before this Earth life.  I was imagining the propaganda,  posters, and TV commercials.

Some possible posters from the Lucifer camp:

Choose to Obey

Make your Future Choices NOW

Give the Father
     the only True Gift
          you have to give

Better to CTR now
    Now and FOREVER
or do you gamble with your
    loved ones eternal souls?

Choose Jesus?
    Are you choosing war, death, and destruction?
In your guts, you know, he's nuts!

With this choice,  there is safety and peace.

Or just HOPE your loved ones do later.

I will not split up the family.
Can you get that guarantee from the other side?
        - Vote Lucifer!

We are stronger together
   We are strongest 100% unified!

Tv ad:
    What are ALL the circumstances of your soon-to-be Earth life?
    Don't know?
    Feel like rolling the dice?

*I, Ray Brown, don't endorse these messages and am life*

Lessons from the war in heaven

Lessons from the war in heaven
     (Lucifer's rebellion from our Heavenly Parent's Plan)

Never Sacrifice Agency for Obedience

God with all wisdom and understanding would rather have a war than limit others' agency.

The risk of breaking apart the family is worth it have the children grow up, learn, fail, and possibly be amazing.

Monday, August 4, 2014

10 Steps to Being Happy, According Pope Francis

1. "Live and let live."
2. "Be giving of yourself to others."
3. "Proceed calmly" in life.
4. Have "a healthy sense of leisure."
5. "Sundays should be holidays." Spend Sundays with family and friends.
6. "Create dignified jobs for young people."
7. "Respect and take care of nature."
8. "Stop being negative."
9. "Respect others' beliefs."
10. "Work for peace."