Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Whom do I follow? The little Child within

My message I can teach:
Inside of us, we each have a true spark or core of the divine eternal, listen deeply and dare to follow.

Don't feel compelled to follow tradition, important or holy people, people we love, Budda, or a book.  If your true core leads you there, that's cool and like a great teacher they can help you grow and develop. However, that true core has only loyalty to the eternal and may lead you away from those traditions, people, or books as it is said
"The tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao."

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Buddha and Christ's Grace

If you meet the Buddhakill him. (逢佛殺佛,逢祖殺祖). —Linj

The buddha is not a person is it a way or a way of living/being.  I think Grace could be substituted. 

If you think you understand the Lord's grace, you need to destroy that image.  Jesus' grace is boundless and can't be set my your definitions.  Destroy that specific idea and embrace more, for the buddha and the Lord's grace would alway is more.